Will you actively design it or be designed out of it?

The leading problem-led marketing firm in agriculture.

What is Problem-Led Marketing?

We are not interested in becoming peddlers of inconsequential garbage…we're guessing you’re not either.

We are marketers.

We love nerding out about storytelling, positioning, PPC costs, customer acquisition, and building strategic bridges to value for customers…seriously, we could talk about them all day.

But these things in and of themselves are insufficient reasons for us to wake up in the morning and get back to work.

To do something that matters - really matters - requires from us an inner fire that stands up to any objection, overcomes every failure, and pushes forward when all seems hopeless. We must have a belief in what we’re doing. We must be true believers to be good marketers.

We are problem-led.

We design categories by focusing on customer problems to build a new, better future. We harness the power of inflections and insights to deny the premise of the rules. We reject the status quo. We take our customers and industries from where they are today to where we believe they could be.

We create and lead movements for change. We practice a style of going to market that takes all of the acknowledged strengths of the incumbent and turns them into their biggest weaknesses.

We reframe the way our customers view their problems so that they can unlock more value, achieve greater levels of success, and live more fulfilled lives.

We design categories to be of greater service to the customers we seek to serve.

We are agricultural builders.

We believe that technology correctly deployed can benefit agriculture in significant ways. We believe that building better agtech sits upstream of critical work such as producing truly good food, making the family farm more profitable, and properly stewarding the natural resources we have been so blessed to inherit.

We build because it matters. It matters to leave this world a little better for our children and our children’s children. It matters to instill the discipline of hard work in the next generation, introducing them to the joy of creating something with their hands. It matters that we continually remind ourselves of why we started…and it matters that we finish.

AgTech and our farm-based supply chains are at a tipping point. It is up to us to create the future we see and tell the stories that help the rest of our industry see it, too.


  • Stop telling boring, sterile stories about your company.
  • Stop selling off spec sheets and start selling tangible value.
  • Stop overselling the present and lowballing the future of your technology.
  • Stop wasting money on vanity marketing metrics and infuse true value into your programs.

    Make something different. Make people care. Make fans, not followers.

Dan Schultz

Dan Schultz is an agribusiness psychotherapist, helping agtech companies around the world design their category and think differently about how they commercialize their products.

Dan is vehemently opposed to telling boring stories, sales pitches thoughtlessly read off spec sheets, oversold technobabble, undersold innovation, and venture money wasted on vanity marketing metrics.

Dan helps companies stop droning on about incremental improvement and start building movements.

He is the author of the weekly newsletter AgTech Marketing Insights.

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